Kira Peters


My entire professional career has been spent in community service. For the past 28 years I have worked for the City of Scottsdale in various leadership roles.  I have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from ASU and a Masters in Organizational Leadership from NAU.

I was most recently appointed to the position of Library Director for the City of Scottsdale’s library system and this has proven to be my most exciting professional challenge yet. I am an alum of Scottsdale Leadership (Class 29).  I love what I do, especially since I can see how my work directly and positively impacts the community.

Why the WC Kira?

Being a strong, independent, kind and professional woman has always been important to me.

Women have skills and attributes that can make great influences/impacts in organizations/community but are underrepresented in leadership roles.  I have talked about the need for a strong women’s group for a very long time.  I am thrilled to be working with a passionate and fun group who are ready to make dreams a reality by acting on developing a collective that will get more women to the leadership table.


Spouse/Partner, family and pets:

Sean (Husband), Raven (Son-19), Scarlet (Daughter-18) & Judah (son-10) pets (Homing Pigeons-yes pigeons)


City of Scottsdale

Job Title:

Community Services Administrator | Library System Director

What I Do:

Direct, lead and promote public library services for the community. This work includes oversight of four library branches, outreach services and managing a team of 144 library team members.

Other Professional Experience:

Various leadership roles within the City of Scottsdale Community Service Division – Aquatics, Human Services, Parks & Recreation, Special Events, Youth Development and Operating the McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park.

Nonprofits I’ve Been Involved With:

Scottsdale Leadership, Mechanical Society (Railroad Park) and Friends of Scottsdale Public Library.

Born In:

Barrow, Alaska


Arizona State University (BA/Psychology) & Northern Arizona University (Masters in Organizational Leadership)

Cities I’ve Lived In:

Wainwright, Alaska, Fountain Hills, AZ, Milwaukee WI, Wheatridge Colorado and Scottsdale, AZ.

How I Spend My Free Time:

Sipping coffee in jammies, running (more like jogging), family walks/movie watching, spending time at home in the back patio.

My Favorite Vacation Ever:

Going to Newfoundland CA with my husband, Disneyland with my then 8 year old and I always enjoy annual San Diego summer beach trips.

My Three Bucket List Items:

Travel to & Explore to Europe, Fix up our home, See the Pyramids.

Something Only a Few People Know About Me:

Despite my social nature, I truly enjoy being alone too. I can speak Inupiat (Eskimo) and I get very nervous around knives.

The Two Women Who Have Impacted Me The Most:

My Mom and Daughter

The One Woman In History I Would Love to Meet:

Princess Diana. I would like to know how she confidently grew into a strong independent woman despite her interesting life circumstances.

Why I Joined The WC:

I truly believe the world needs more women in leadership roles at all levels. Women have unique skills and qualities that make them natural leaders and The WC can help get women to the next level. Also, it is beyond time for women to have strong collective that promotes the impacts of women in leadership.